Shorts worth a watch!!

short films

After doing a degree in Media Production there was one thing that i learnt about myself and that was that I loved to watch shorts. Some people may say what is the point in a short film? Well the point is they all ways leave you wanting more, be it documentary shorts or fictional shorts. So i decide to give you my top five short films to check out.

1 – The Terminal Bar, (Link to a Clip)

2 – My Uncle Paco (Link to the film in spanish though as i cant find one with English subtitles)

3 – About a Girl (Link to the film)

4 – Who Killed Brown Owl (Link to the film)

5 – Vincent (Link to the film)

So please check them out you will not be disappointed and I can promise you one of these five shorts I have shared with you will stick in your mind for a long time if not all five will do. Enjoy watching these fabulous short films.